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April 1, 2024

Baruch Hosts Hate Crimes Presentation Led by the Office of the Manhattan Borough District Attorney

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The College's Office of Legal and Labor Relations and Office of the President are hosting a Hate Crimes presentation, which will be led by the Office of the Manhattan Borough District Attorney.

Tuesday, April 16
12:30-2 pm
Newman Vertical Campus, 14th floor, Room 14-250
Lunch will be provided.

We hope you will join us to learn more about hate crimes, to raise awareness, and ultimately to help prevent incidents. This presentation informs participants how to identify hate crimes and explains the criminal justice process and resources available to victims and witnesses of hate crimes.

Participants may pre-submit their questions using the RSVP form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://baruch.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2tmDCIxRYf9HBky__;!!PxiZbSOawA!I3d8V0vhQsUeH3EOjnZnSiQ0E0soyIVuG1iapPFa7oYoBCUC3CpeBg3GDAjDMW0UjteU1QDVvHQU_XWEkSAvDQDtq25FNbaSHUCkTsgNu6708TxGq4xvYlWWccLSOVgcNw$ >.

We hope to see you there.


Olga Dais, Assistant Vice President for Legal and Labor Relations
Kenya Lee, Chief of Staff

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