June 7, 2023


Summer Reminder: Be Vigilant Against Job Scams and Other Email Hoaxes


Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,


As summer begins—and as students search for seasonal employment—we encourage you to remain vigilant against predatory internet behavior and email scams. These scams take various formats, including check-deposit schemes, fraudulent job opportunities to earn money from home, and appeals to help others in distress.


Below is an example of a recent message sent to Baruch College students—from a BaruchMail user—regarding a remote work opportunity and request to print and deposit a fraudulent Baruch-logoed check to buy equipment. Be wary of receiving an employment offer and/or check payment if your communications with an employer have only been over email, text, and/or messaging platform. This is not typical.


A recent email hoax that appears to be from a BaruchMail user that offers a remote work opportunity and request to print and deposit a fraudulent check


Fraudulent check that contains the Baruch College logo


Emails such as these are an attempt to obtain personal information, such as home addresses and bank account information, to potentially gain access to your accounts.


Be Suspicious and Aware

We urge you to be skeptical of emails you receive from anyone you do not know. Official Baruch communications will not ask for personal information, such as your passwords, Social Security number, and bank information.


For your security:

  • Do not provide personal information (home address, usernames, etc.) in response to emails, text messages, or websites that come from someone you do not know or from a suspicious email sender.
  • Never provide your password in an email.
  • Do not deposit checks from unknown senders.
  • Do not click on links or open attachments in suspicious emails, which includes individuals and employers you have only communicated with over text or messaging platform.
  • Be wary of messages requesting urgent action.


Identifying Fraudulent Emails and Scams

Below are a few resources to help you identify job scams and other fraudulent emails.


If You Receive an Email Scam

It is safe to ignore and delete any suspicious emails you receive. If it arrives to your Baruch account, you can forward it to BCTC at [log in to unmask] so we can investigate and share with CUNY as needed.


While we work actively to identify and prevent these messages, our ability to keep users secure is critically dependent on the Baruch community being educated and skeptical about fraudulent messages. Please remain alert, as scams can happen at any time and dupe individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of tech sophistication.




Mike Richichi

Interim Vice President of Information Services and CIO






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