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April 24, 2023


April 26 Is Denim Day


Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,


As we observe National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, please join the Sexual Harassment & Assault Prevention Committee (SHAP), the Office of Student Affairs, and the Office of Diversity, Compliance, and Equity Initiatives (ODCEI) in honoring Denim Day.


Denim Day began more than 20 years ago when the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction on appeal on the basis that the sexual assault survivor was wearing tight jeans and, as such, must have helped the person who assaulted her remove her jeans, thereby implying consent. The following day, women in the Italian Parliament came to work wearing jeans in solidarity with the survivor, marking the beginning of Denim Day, one of the longest-running sexual violence prevention and education campaigns in history.


All members of the Baruch community are encouraged to wear denim in support of the College’s commitment to the prevention of sexual misconduct on its campus and beyond. In addition, everyone is welcome to participate in Baruch’s Denim Day events.


Denim Day 2023 Events

Wednesday, April 26

12:30–2:30 pm

Newman Vertical Campus (NVC), 2nd Floor Lobby


We look forward to this opportunity to come together as a community to support survivors, advocate for sexual assault awareness, and fight for cultural change.




Sexual Harassment & Assault Prevention Committee

Office of Student Affairs

Kimara Patton, Esq., Deputy Chief Diversity Officer and Title IX/EEO Coordinator, and the Office of Diversity, Compliance, and Equity Initiatives


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