
November 16, 2022

Know Where to Look for Campus Status Updates

To Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Baruch's Emergency Management Team is committed to making, and proactively communicating, decisions about our campus status in a timely manner. If severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances necessitate the decision to close our physical campus and operate remotely, we will share the information through multiple channels.

Campus Status Communications Vehicles

  *   An announcement distributed to all Baruch email accounts
  *   Alert across the top of the Baruch College homepage<https://www.baruch.cuny.edu/>
  *   Posts to our main social media channels:
     *   facebook.com/baruchcollege<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.facebook.com_baruchcollege_&d=DwIFAg&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=QqGTWwETQPvT5sKM_15AhgZVFGrfUAO5RzyvaZkerC-6Ja8boJ6WjQigKSMIL4YJqULuWUr9n6RTlWGcZbXPDg&m=Abw5BwWsJ88DmlzlYoNY98qObLxlG067lfjqewbbYLGUD0giAdECUPtSCVI8xNGW&s=MGdMP2KELT45OLVLBb8IeGqTZB0dlyRN1CBUycNTtKI&e=  >
     *   twitter.com/baruchcollege<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__twitter.com_BaruchCollege&d=DwIFAg&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=QqGTWwETQPvT5sKM_15AhgZVFGrfUAO5RzyvaZkerC-6Ja8boJ6WjQigKSMIL4YJqULuWUr9n6RTlWGcZbXPDg&m=Abw5BwWsJ88DmlzlYoNY98qObLxlG067lfjqewbbYLGUD0giAdECUPtSCVI8xNGW&s=R_eD_RXFHTwwEnGPgIZ7avHkACgu0jDRxFDwpXjZ5gY&e=  >
     *   instagram.com/baruch_college<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.instagram.com_baruch-5Fcollege_&d=DwIFAg&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=QqGTWwETQPvT5sKM_15AhgZVFGrfUAO5RzyvaZkerC-6Ja8boJ6WjQigKSMIL4YJqULuWUr9n6RTlWGcZbXPDg&m=Abw5BwWsJ88DmlzlYoNY98qObLxlG067lfjqewbbYLGUD0giAdECUPtSCVI8xNGW&s=qZFPGIhS8Ga535pmYjeRHacgDTJHw8tqPz4SwjdYMis&e=  >
  *   CUNY Alert message distributed to the Baruch community: CUNY Alerts are distributed via voice message, text, and email. New students, faculty, and staff are opted into the system. You may add additional email addresses and phone numbers, or register for the service, at the CUNY Alert webpage<https://www.cuny.edu/cuny-alert/>.

We will communicate full- and partial-day closures through the same vehicles. While we are committed to providing timely updates, please be aware that it can be difficult to predict a storm's trajectory or anticipate other circumstances that may cause an unexpected change in our campus status.

Remote Campus for Classes and Business Operations
In the event of severe weather or other circumstances, the College may move to remote operation for instruction and some services. Faculty should communicate with students via their Blackboard course site, and student services, such as the Baruch One Stop Shop (BOSS), the Starr Career Development Center, and SEEK, and all business offices will operate remotely and be available via email.

Essential personnel in Public Safety and Buildings and Grounds must report to work on campus as scheduled during emergency campus closures.

Thank you for your attention to this important information.


Katharine T. Cobb
Vice President for Administration and Finance



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