
March 22, 2020

Reduction of On-Campus Services

To Baruch College Students,

As Distance Learning at Baruch continues for the remainder of the spring semester, we want to keep you updated. To fully support Governor Cuomo's New York State on PAUSE<https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-signs-new-york-state-pause-executive-order> executive order, which goes into effect at 8 pm tonight, Baruch will expand its social distancing efforts by further reducing on-campus operations. Effective immediately:

  *   All Baruch buildings, including the Computer Lab and Library, are closed until further notice.
  *   Basic business operations will continue remotely. Administrative departments such as Financial Aid, Admissions, and Human Resources will continue to maintain telephone and email operations.
  *   To minimize the risk to essential staff, including ITS personnel, custodians, public safety officers, and facilities staff, there is now no student access to campus, and this will remain in effect until further notice.

Health officials have warned that New York City is now experiencing community transmission, in which individuals who have had no known contact with infected individuals are testing positive for the virus. The message to all of us now is the same: stay home, maintain social distance, and monitor for symptoms.



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